Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thank you all my visitors in this, my first week of blogging. Sincere thanks to those who have left comments, made favourable mention of the Undercroft elsewhere, or added links to their own sites.
DEUS, qui caritatis dona per gratiam Sancti Spiritus tuorum fidelium cordibus infundisti: da famulis et famulabus tuis, pro quibus tuam deprecamur clementiam, salutem mentis et corporis; ut te tota virtute diligant, et quae tibi placita sunt, tota dilectione perficiant. Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum...
De profundis for all your departed.


Arturo Vasquez said...

The pleasure was all ours! Keep up the good work!

axegrinder said...


Bravo and welcome to the weird world of blogging.

I am here via the Sarabite and Lion and Cardinal.

I am glad to have found an RC who has a flair for narrative, plays with metaphors and is willing to take a hard stare at both reality and unreality.

No, I'm not talking about Flannery O'Connor.

All the best,

Jason Kranzusch